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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 04.08.2021 во всех областях

  1. 1 балл
    40% максимальный шанс маг Крита у мага, не мало ли? Без вала, ВМов карается максимум, при том что у воинов почти каждый удар крит, маги выдают 1 из 3. Мало того что и так занерфили магов. Так и это еще
  2. 1 балл
    It has been exactly 8 hours counted literally that I have been reviewing this character. Nick: loko. It doesn't really matter what his nickname is because he's a Red Adena farm char. You just change it when you finish your shadow clothes. This player has a script to return to the nonstop spot, he automatically participates in the events. When dying he simply takes out his agation and buff noblesse blessing. Then he waits for my flag to go away, and teleports back to kamael, and goes back to his established farm location. I am very disappointed with this, as this totally breaks the economy and playability of the server. Since in just 8 hours of play this player was doing this non-stop. Who knows how long he was doing the same thing without anyone knowing about it. This player right now must have 99999999999 from Red Adena and 99999999999 from event coin. Then simply what you have to do is trade to your main character and sell those coins for donation coins, and then get powerful. This is a huge disadvantage for the honest player. I have already sent messages to the administrator since I found it, but without any response. I ask for an immediate response because this cannot continue like this. Greetings.
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