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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 01.08.2021 в Сообщения

  1. 2 балла
  2. 1 балл
    I really see a lot of common sense missing in this place and sometimes it infuriates me. First sign of lack of common sense: mr infiltrator of clans and recorder of bots wants to ban another hero for botting. Meanwhile server is down to 50 active players, which actually means, at best 30 by accounting the dual boxes. Second sign of COMPLETE lack of common sense: You want to sell people a product with a timer... a rune of 5 hours, a shirt of 1 week, a premium of 1 month... and then you tell them that they can't use all of the time of their bot item because you don't like botting systems and you don't allow them. Yee... makes perfect sense. I don't plan on paying money for a 3rd party program to bot anything, just here to make sure you guys understand how stupid all this is.
  3. 1 балл
  4. 1 балл
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