detount 48 Posted May 5, 2021 1. Race and Class Selection Спойлер Race selection The choice of race is made only on the basis of external qualities. The main characteristics (STR, CON, etc.) are the same for all races and classes. There are differences only in the Warrior and the Magician. Kamael is a warrior. Class selection When choosing a class, it is worth remembering what the difference is between different classes: 1. The skills of your profession are NOT learned automatically. All skills are learned through CB. Skills for your profession cost the same as others. 2. Olympiad. 3. Hennas +5 -0 can be applied to itself by any class (from the second profession) 2. Settings Спойлер Learning .cfg settings Спойлер There is a function for learing the maximum available skill (see the penultimate setting) Client settings and capabilities Спойлер Maps Alt+M Спойлер In the information section, you can get a lot of relevant information. Inventory Спойлер With the ability to search the inventory and quickly delete items ACP Спойлер Community Board (Alt+B) Спойлер There will be a screen later 3. Skills Спойлер All changes in skills are in the server description. For any of your questions about skills - there will be an answer. The learned of skills takes place in the CB "Learn Skills" section. If you do not have 1 profession yet, then the page with the learn of skills will look like this Спойлер Pay attention to the item "Additional skills. Skills 1-25 for a warrior Спойлер Before the first profession Спойлер Needed: Attack Speed - Increases Atk. Spd. (Instead of light) Weapon Mastery (From mage and warc\over) - Gives 2 P. Atk. for each level. We are learning always. Weapon Mastery (from any warrior and kamael) - Gives 5% of P. Atk and a little static. You need 1 level. Armor Mastery (From any warrior and kamael) - Gives P. Def. Learning the maximum level Armor Mastery (From any mages) - Gives P. Def. Learning the maximum level Might (From the mages) - Gives P. Atk. No herb on P. Atk. and there is no buff in the buffer. Learning. Soul Cry - Increases statically P. Atk. Passive Spoil and Seeper - Spoil our everything! Has a great distance. Let's spoil everything we see. Can be learn if there is SP: Cast Speed - Increases Cast. Spd. Dwarven Craft - Gives the opportunity to open a book with gnome recipes Create Item - Grants the ability to use level 1 recipes Learn later: Armor {PvE} Armor {PvP} Warrior Attack {PvE} Warrior Attack {PvP} They are all percentage. Very little is given in the first couples. Divine Inspiration - Increases buff slots. Only teach when there are not enough slots. Studied for SP and Adena. Up to level 25 Спойлер Needed: Attack Speed - Increases Atk. Spd. (Instead of light) Weapon Mastery (From mage and warc\over) - Gives 2 P. Atk. for each level. We are learning always. Light Armor Mastery or Heavy Armor Mastery (alls) - Teach as needed. Give P. Def. War Cry or Frenzy - We study one thing (does not stack) Accuracy - Gived 3 accuracy (passive skill) Boost HP - Increases Max HP Ultimate Defense - Will often need Majesty - Increases P. Def. Dash - Gived 10 speed Wolf Spirit Totem - Increases accuracy by 3 and speed by 5%. Focus - Increases Chance crit. atk. Crystallize - Makes D-Grade crystallization possible. Agile Movement - Increases accuracy by 2 and speed by 5. Mental Shield - Increases resists (passive skill) Holy Weapon - Passive Hard March - Increases speed by 5 (Passive skill) Critical Damage - Increases power crit. atk. Can be learn if there is SP: Cast Speed - Increases Cast. Spd. Anti Magic, M. Def and Magic Immunity - Increases M. Def. You need to learn at least 1 level, then - if there is an extra SP. Vicious Stance - Increases power crit. atk. (Passive skill) Deflect Arrow - Passive Boost Mana - Increases Max MP and Regen MP. Fast Mana Recovery - Increases Regen MP Boost Evasion - Increases Evasion Fast Spell Casting - Increases Cast. Spd. Weight Limit - Increases Weight Limit. Learn later: Armor {PvE} Armor {PvP} Warrior Attack {PvE} Warrior Attack {PvP} They are all percentage. Very little is given in the first couples. Divine Inspiration - Increases buff slots. Only teach when there are not enough slots. Studied for SP and Adena. Skills 1-25 for a mage Спойлер Before the first profession Спойлер Needed: Cast Speed - Gived Cast. Spd. (Instead Light) Weapon Mastery (From mage and warc\over) - Gives 4 M. Atk. for each level. We always study. Armor Mastery (From any warrior and kamael) - Gives P. Def. Learning the maximum level Armor Mastery (From any mages) - Gives P. Def. Learning the maximum level Spoil and Seeper - Spoil our everything! Has a great distance (900). Let's spoil everything we see. Soul Cry - Increases statically M. Atk. Passive Wind Strike - Learn max lvl/ Can be learn if there is SP: Attack Speed - Increases Atk. Spd. Dwarven Craft - Gives the opportunity to open a book with gnome recipes Create Item - Grants the ability to use level 1 recipes Learn later: Armor {PvE} Armor {PvP} Mage Attack {PvE} Mage Attack {PvP} They are all percentage. Very little is given in the first couples. Divine Inspiration - Increases buff slots. Only teach when there are not enough slots. Studied for SP and Adena. Up to level 25 Спойлер Needed: Cast Speed - Gived Cast. Spd. (Instead Light) Fast Spell Casting - Increases Cast. Spd. Weapon Mastery (From mage and warc\over) - Gives 4 M. Atk. for each level. We always study. Boost Mana - Increases Max MP and Regen MP. Fast Mana Recovery - Increases Regen MP Quick Recycle - reduces the cooldown Robe Mastery (All) - Teach as needed. Give P. Def. Boost HP - Gives HP Ultimate Defense - Will often need Majesty - Increases P. Def. Dash - Increases speed by 10. Wolf Spirit Totem - Increases accuracy by 3 and speed by 5%. Crystallize - Makes D-Grade crystallization possible. Agile Movement - Increases accuracy by 2 and speed by 5. Mental Shield - Increases resists (passive skill) Holy Weapon - Passive Hard March - Increases speed by 5 (Passive skill) Vampiric Touch - HP recovery 1 attacking skill Can be learn if there is SP: Attack Speed - Give Atk. Spd. Anti Magic, M. Def and Magic Immunity - Increases M. Def. You need to learn at least 1 level, then - if there is an extra SP. Deflect Arrow - Passive Boost Evasion - Increases Evasion Weight Limit - Increases Weight Limit. Learn later: Armor {PvE} Armor {PvP} Mage Attack {PvE} Mage Attack {PvP} They are all percentage. Very little is given in the first couples. Divine Inspiration - Increases buff slots. Only teach when there are not enough slots. Studied for SP and Adena. 4. Mana Спойлер We don't have mana banks. And there should be a continuation Mana regeneration uses: 1. Skills 2. Talismans To reduce mana consumption, use: 1. Skills 2. Cloak 3. Talismans 5. Starting location and pumping Спойлер Starting location - Kamael Village. Only in this location: - All shops for Red Adena - All quests are available for all races. All the necessary quests here. - You can be up to level 25. At level 25, it will no longer be allowed on the territory of the Kamael Village (including the city itself) - After rebirth, you cannot get. - The first profession can only be bought for Red Adena (1k). 2 and 3 professions for adena. - Remember that being in a clan you will have additional advantages such as clan skills and communication. Upgrade plan to level 25: We swing to Kamael Village, completing the maximum number of quests. Level 2 - Take the Supply Check quest From Markella. We get a coupon for which we can buy TOP weapons or a set of armor (In the weapons and armor store of Kamael Village), some experience and a belt of 1 level. At level 6, you can take the Head for the Hills quest from Markella! By which you can get soul shots or Red Adena. Repeatable. At level 7 we take the Fabulous Feathers quest from Irin (Weapons and Armor Shop) and The Way of the Warrior quest from Kekropus (Main building). According to the second quest, you will receive 1 coupon, for which we can buy TOP weapons or a set of armor (In the weapons and armor store of Kamael Village), some experience, 50 healers and a cloak of 1 level. At level 10, you can take the Iconic Trinity quest from Kekropus. A bit boring quest. Through the TP in the Community Board you can get to the cave entrance (Stronghold III). For the quest you get a little experience, a level 1 bracelet and access to another quest (it is not needed much). At level 11, you can take the Muertos Feather quest from the Jeweler Trevor, on Red Adena. At level 15, you can take the quest The Few, The Proud, The Brave from Tetrarch Pervan (Starting place), at Red Adena. At level 17, you can take the Into the Large Cavern quest from Kekropus, by which you can get Red Adena and 1-3 random talisman. But I would not advise wasting time on this. All things that can be obtained through quests can be bought for Red Adena. Red Adena Drops from all mobs in Kamael Village (The higher the level of the mob, the more it falls). 6. Some features of the server that you will need in the future Спойлер 1. After rebirth, there is no penalty for weapons and armor. 2. Disabled vitality and rec. bonuses 3. All RBs are reinforced. Do not waste time on them until the first rebirth 4. Advanced clan skills. Look for a clan for yourself, so you will not only increase your stats (up to 20%), but also increase your damage in PvE and you will get more experience and sp. And of course, the most important thing is communication! 5. All descriptions of items and skills correspond to how they work. If it is written on light that it gives only P. Def when equipped with light armor, so it works like that. 6. All skills have been balanced for the server concept. All major changes are in server description. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites